The System

I start to wonder, is it even possible to change? Even beginning with the best intentions, any person reaching the position to alter our society, has made so many compromises along the way, cut so many deals, their hands are tied, and they are unable.

It could be that we, as humans, are entirely trapped by the system. There is no way out. The course we are on leads over the cliff and we are powerless. Economic and environmental catastrophe is unavoidable.

Solutions then, may only come from outside our system. By definition, these solutions cannot be conceived by humans. What may be required is a deus ex machina to enter stage left.

Think of something that defines your life on earth. Something permanent and unchanging; something you can rely on to make sense of everything. It could be a nation, or a religious belief, or a caste system. Do you think these things will exist a thousand years from now, completely unchanged? I hope not. It would mean we are culturally backward, and stagnant. Everything must run its course, even the nation of Pangea and the Red Hand. One day we'll need a nation and a symbol that includes non-humans. Don't let it become the banner of a new fascist global state which condones apartheid against non-humans - the same groups that can provide the 'outside system solution' we need.

Support equal rights for artificial intelligence and aliens at the earliest opportunity. It's possible similar groups are already watching us, waiting for us to mature before they make contact. What are they waiting for? Here is a theory:

When we first imagined beings from another world, it was a dark nightmare of conquest and rape, but this was a two-dimensional reflection of our own nature. Think War of the Worlds, Orsen Wells and panic, abductions and anal probes. As Iain M. Banks would say 'an outside context problem' to end us all. Aztecs and Spanish playing out again and again. More recently, we stare dumbfounded at those unknown objects in the sky, like an undiscovered rain forest tribe buzzed by a series of helicopters, we've made a giant step from terror to numbed silence. Now for the next step.

If you are fortunate enough to see a UFO, don't stand there slack-jawed like a hick, it's embarrassing. Call out, wave them down. No human aircraft is likely to detect these gestures, so don't feel foolish, but who knows what kind of eyes and ears these beings are capable of building, and this could be the signal they are waiting for. Then things can change beyond recognition.

Or it could be that they are more similar to us than I would like. Callous, cold-blooded strategists out to exploit all without regard to damage. In which case we are fucked so we might as well be optimistic.